Class of 2023 Learners

Bobbi had 15 new learners on Thursday night [brilliant!] We need 4 assistants each night to help our learners. Please consider putting your name down to assist for at least one night over the next 8 weeks.

This week’s topic is responding to the 1 No Trump opener.

Learners' lessons

These begin this Thursday 18 April at 7pm with Bobbi. The first session is mini bridge; I know some of you novices are coming along for a refresh but you won't need this session which is more about  learning to physically manage the cards.


Teams' competition

The team's competition is running on a Wednesday evening 1,8 and 15 May and is open to everyone. there's a list on the whiteboard for you to add your name. The committee will decide on the makeup of the teams; each team will have one open, at least one junior and two other players.

It's quite a different experience of playing bridge; we don't use the bridge mates for scoring and instead return to our team after each round, compare notes and work out the score.

We'd be very keen to see you play on a Wednesday night and this is a great, non scary way to do it 👍

Bay Pairs Whakatane 2024

Bay Pairs Round One Whakatane 14 April was a wonderful event with 19 ½ tables. 

Our club rose to the challenge yet again of being superb hosts with the most amazing morning tea which provided enough surplus that it served as lunch and afternoon tea too. The raffle was well supported-thank goodness that one of the three prizes went to a visitor! 

Bay Pairs 2024

We have had a wonderful response to our Bay Pairs tournament with 20 tables entered! Huge thanks to Julie for arranging the raffle and Ali/Kat for overseeing the tournament organisation; and thanks to all of you who are involved either in playing or helping in the kitchen etc.